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tv   Documentary  RT  December 9, 2013 9:29am-10:01am EST

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obviously it's not just the wall and the west bank and gaza they're in lebanon or syria actually because it's true poland they're in they're drilling gassed or they're taking somebody else of gas and oil. hello welcome to sophie and co i'm so see shed art not say chemist o'keefe served as a humorist were weaned but after being discharged he was left with only a feeling of the disappointment he burned his password and dedicated himself to a different cause his rich accept his biography includes being a human shield in iraq sailing on again as a flotilla protecting marine life and how why and helping to establish dialogue
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with iran and he is our guest today. for the kids to rock. his view of the world. ever since he has been fighting a war against more bracing american bombs as human shields really began to blockade . is never afraid to speak truth to power who want to take action for others so i'm here with activist candace o'keefe it's really great to have you on our show ken as i know that you've led a human shield action in iraq right before the war started and then you were deported do you follow what's going on in iraq now for example the november death toll was almost a thousand and two thousand and thirteen is to deadliest year since two thousand and eight why do you think the removal of saddam hasn't improved the lives of iraqis or has it i don't know. well i think they really want to know the truth
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about the invasion of iraq there's clearly some some incentives for the invasion the oil securing oil was was one of them establishing permanent military bases in the region was another one but a far less talked about reality is israeli plans which made clear the balkanization of surrounding countries in particular iraq if we go to zero did you know plan for israel in the one nine hundred eighty s. it lays out very clearly a strategy of destabilizing all of the surrounding areas of israel this includes syria lebanon jordan iraq and even egypt and saudi arabia in this long term goal is part of the greater israel project so in terms of the sectarian divide you see happening in iraq today it's actually all part of a very well designed plan to try and secure the goal this fantasy goal of the greater israel project ok why would israel benefits from an unstable middle east
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and stable arab nations because what we see that this instability actually is followed by fundamental islam and people who are only now or if there are either they're replaced by fundamentalist powers or there's just more sectarian violence to gross. yes and it would seem on the surface from a sane point of view that everything is going wrong but in fact when you fracture a country along sectarian develop divide ultimately weaken the country but the last thing that the israel or the united states wants is a strong master type leader an arab nationalist who will seriously ensure that the resources of that country or are taken and protected and used for the benefit of the people that's the last thing that the empire wants and that israel wants so while you have these religious fundamentalists nutcases who are running around bombing and doing all sorts of stuff like that you have a weakened fractured country in iraq and that is the prerequisite for ultimately
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expanding israel into the fantasy of the greater israel project it doesn't seem sane and it's not saying because those who are trying to carry out these agendas are pure and simple psychopaths and so you think that american administrations one of tearing out there have been following this plan for thirty years. if you ask me how the world functions then you have to understand one thing plain and simple the head of the snake the system of power is headed by the financial system the bankers rule the earth through the private control of the issuance of money debt based money which we're all supposed to pay alternately with all of these things that they call of austerity and whatnot the bankers basically through the control of the issuance of money which allows them to provide themselves with an infinite supply of money means they can buy anything and anyone that can be bought so when we look at the vast majority of governments around the world they're nothing more than puppets who are carrying out an agenda for the bankers and the bankers at the top of this pyramid are and as i've said plain and simple psychopaths they're drunk on
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their own power they're used to getting everything they want they can buy anything and anyone that can be bought in this explains the corruption of virtually every government we can look at and the policies do not reflect the interest of the people they reflect pure and simple the interest of the bikers but can if what you're saying is true is that governments obey the big banks and the big money it would really take the people and revolution in each country that you have names to actually change things around do you really see revolution taking place in america . for example it's already happening. i'll give you a great example of why i'm optimistic about things in america you know the president of the united states traitor that he is is actually a constitutional lawyer he's actually of trade at the highest levels of university in constitutional law do you know how obscene it is that somebody who is trained in constitutional law giving himself the authority to execute anyone anywhere any part of the planet with no jury no trial no conviction no nothing this man is
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a dictator was assigned himself the right to execute anyone including u.s. citizens i am confident that it some point the american patriots who seem to be in a bit of a coma and have been sleeping for a long time are going to wake up soon and realize that while they took an oath to uphold the constitution of the united states the president of the united states also took that oath and has breached it so badly that he but he arrested and charged with treason right now and ultimately all of the sycophants of the u.s. congress who passed things like the patriot act and the national defense authorization act again completely contrary to the u.s. constitution which is supposed to be the suturing call law of the land these people need to be arrested and a government needs to be put in place that actually honors the us constitution and our i honestly believe that's going to happen one way or the other it's going to happen but you just started your answer by saying that the revolution is already happening and then you won by citing everything that's going wrong in america like for example the n.s.a. leaks right you kind of touched upon that nothing's really changing within american
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society i don't see people coming out in a straight and protesting even though they know that they've being listened to even hear a plug at give up yeah there they expressed their outrage at the fact that they have been listening to including the president but nothing is really happening it's not like america is cutting down on their n.s.a. programs and stuff like people aren't listened to any more so where's the revolution that you're talking about let me let me give you. say what it is this is another thing that really excites me sophie because while you're not seeing it apparently and many other people may not be seen it let me give you a perfect example where the revolution is already occurred in the first step of that revolution is awareness no one is more hopelessly inflated than those who falsely believe they are free the people of the world are starting to realize that they have been in slave inflated a financial system which is effectively selling the future of their children down the river and more and more people are becoming aware of that they're also sick and tired of being lied to about one boogeyman after another and ultimately what happened in syria this is
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a key point and i really want to make this point before we move on to the next one because it's talking about the revolution that you're referring to the reason why we did not hit syria the reason why we did not start bombing syria is a one simple thing and that is that the people of the west in the world simply did not buy it they didn't have to go on the street protests keep in mind back in two thousand and three we had the largest protests in the history the world did not stop the invasion of iraq but i'm telling you the invasion and the occupation and ultimately the bombardment of syria has been planned long ago it's a stepping stone towards iran which is the ultimate goal for the psychopaths and they could not bombard syria and the reason why they could even vote to secure that vote to favor that here in britain is because the people overwhelmingly did not buy it in the united states the provable for bombardment of syria was about nine percent that's why the u.s. congress which is a treasonous body of government couldn't even go to a vote on it because if they went to vote on it and actually voted for another war and this farcical war on terror where the fantastic american servicemen took
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pictures of themselves saying i did not join the u.s. military to fight with with al-qaeda in syria says it all if they had made that move that would have been an open revolution the powers that be know that the people are primed and ready to take major steps to stop this and again american patriots are going to go into the congress and the white house eventually and arrest these cowards and treason traitors but it's it's it's under the surface right now it's getting ready. it's getting ready and to show the power of the people ultimately we did not go into syria this is because the people did not provide the one key element for the powers that be and that is their consent if they don't have our consent they can't do a damn thing. so you actually bring me to my next point which is syria and you're saying the allegations in the western press that it wasn't syria but even that was the actual goal the final goal is true what happens now is starts to look like he is finally achieving a decisive victory how will the united states respond you think. well again keep in
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mind that the real the real problem that assad faces is that while yes there are major human rights violations that happen in syria in every other arab country and the united states in the western world ultimately there are human rights violations of obscene levels especially the united states so there are no position to talk about other leaders are leaders of the united states president can execute anyone anywhere anytime and does so how can we talk about bashar al assad seriously and say that this man is a problem and that our talk about it and that's the right to listen is to american president that's that's the difference they will talk about it they keep talking about it that's that was still a purpose of why they why until i started out because there were supposedly human rights violations in syria but we can talk about what the point that i'm making is that the us president has given himself the authority to execute anyone anywhere any time for any pretext any bogus reason is that more of a problem to the world than bashar al assad of course it is it's much more of a problem that the president of the united states says he can execute anyone
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anywhere any time and yet we're sitting here talking about bashar al assad which granted this man has committed crimes in syria there's no question of that but when we look at the u.s. president when we look at israel we look at the britain this alliance this true axis of evil between these three countries the amount of devastation that has occurred in iraq and afghanistan in other parts of world yemen pakistan it's so devastating i think it's beggars belief that we as people can be conned into thinking that bashar al assad is the problem or that augmentin or job is the problem we are the problem we in the west of the problem especially the united states government so it really is quite ridiculous that we get manipulated into saying oh we have to take care of this problem over there the problem is in our own backyard and we know this we've got to take care of our dirty filthy house of corruption united states congress is nothing but a den of traitors the most sycophantic discussing traitors you can imagine and the white house has got a dictator this is a problem this is a major problem much bigger problem what's happening in syria or bashar al assad and we'll be back after
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a sharp. to talk about should iran able to develop its nuclear program and also why is it so bad have an american passport stay with us. they all told me my language or what i will only react to situations i have read the reports to let you know for sure the no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your minor point of the month lease a digital security l.a. car is on the docket no going to. the radio no more weasel words. when you made a direct question and be prepared for
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a change when you run should be ready for a. printout of speech and a little down the freedoms of caution. i play as street cleaner who's in love with a waitress i go on stage managing that there's an audience i used to take drugs and drink like a fish the only told me about the circus but i was such a pound i was like one of what circus. or circus or clearly kids. and would break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. or
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a factual standard of living. and we're back with the activist candace fly from london thank you very much for being with us today now you have a great knowledge and strong opinions about events in the middle east eat on as recently softens as sasa towards its opponent after decades of deadlock israel is
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annoyed and how do you see that developing well i think it's a reflection of the sanity of the people around the world who realize that any kind of attack on iran is is tantamount to initiating a full scale third world war which of course could very well and almost alternately evidently would lead to a war with china and russia this is pure madness and those of us who have lost loved ones or who have served in combat like myself and others who know the devastating cost of war not just for the so-called victor because the only victor really is the bankers quite frankly but even those who supposedly on the winning side suffer greatly and testimony to that fact aside from the million to two million dead in iraq is the twenty two american servicemen a day who are committing suicide because of the horrendous things that they were called to do in places like afghanistan and iraq so the this this policy now this shift in policy to actually resolve this conflict with the brand this false
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conflict in truth is is a reflection of the will of the people if you ask me so you thing that's just starting to achieve the goal so you think that's funny i was bluffing because netanyahu because i've spoken to a couple of the parliamentarians i've spoken to to israelis and they're all for a strike. yes yes no i don't think that he's bluffing he's an absolute psychopath and he reflects he reflects the agenda for the powers that be in israel each one of these players netanyahu george bush obama you know cameron they're all puppets and they're all supposed to read a different script at different times depending on what the agenda is the agenda is shifting slightly and it looks like israel and the people of israel the jewish state of israel are like sheep being led to slaughter because ultimately the policies of israel are completely and totally unsustainable even the cia said in two thousand and nine that israel would not be any would not even exist within twenty years henry kissinger himself said it wouldn't exist within ten years and
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the reason why is because its policies are totally self destructive and the puppet masters are quite happy to sacrifice the people of israel they are going to destroy themselves if they do attack iran because iran can fight back and does have allies in a lot of countries are sick and tired of israel's threats to both its immediate neighbors and even to the rest of the world when we look at the samson option i encourage people to google samson option and look at the threat that israel has posed to the world if things don't go its way but when you talk about the united states that it states is israel's main supporter but right now we see that it's kind of open to iran as well knowing how much anxiety that raises in monk israelis what does it tell you about the us well it tells me that the people are beginning to realize their power i think there are things that correlate the approval rating for barack obama in the u.s. congress is about as low as it's possible to get somewhere in the neighborhood of ten percent twenty percent maximum the people have come to
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a point where they are sick and tired of being lied to they know they're being lied to and when they see their so-called leaders trying to cooperate with israel and yet another war that would lead to disastrous consequences for the region and for the united states and every other person involved they've had it and the reflection of the policies is that and is indeed that of the. people it's the people who are sick and tired and i do see that there is some demarcation coming going on here between israel and the united states but this is because the power of the people is rising and as we saw in syria the congress and the president was all basically saying the red line was crossed blah blah blah blah blah and this blatant false flag attack in syria has backfired they were not able to carry out this agenda and this is only empowering the people that much further. do you think iran should be allowed to develop its nuclear program. i think it's absolutely hypocritical insane that we would sit here and foot fixate on iran and its suppose that nuclear weapons
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program which i don't believe exists but nonetheless who could blame iran if they were developing a nuclear weapon if the united states and the west taught any lesson to the rest of the world with the invasion and occupation of iraq it was that saddam hussein was a fool for actually disarming because by disarming all he did was make it that much easier for the empire to come in and destroy the entire country so the lesson we teach to the world is that the best way to defend yourself is to get yourself a nuclear weapon and of course the biggest culprit of using nuclear weapons and producing nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction is my birth nation of the united states and i find it absolutely insane that we sit here and talk about iran's suppose of nuclear weapons program when you know the united states is producing every kind of weapon under the sun is spending more than every other military on the planet combined and it's involved in more war and more death and more suffering than every other nation combined and yet it's sitting there on a pedestal talking about other nations developing weapons of mass destruction it is insane that we even allow them to do this the first nation that needs to disarm without question is the united states and the first nation to be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity is my birth nation the united states once we
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start seeing actions like this that will know that people in positions of power serious because ultimately the rest of the world is sick and tired of the impunity and the continuous threats of a third world war so we've reached a point now where human beings around the planet are realizing we can't do this we can't have a third world war this is not a game but that you haven't answered my question do you think iran should be able to develop its nuclear program i think that every nation should disarm right now every every every nation has a weapons program should be inspected by a legitimate international body and those nations with the highest amount of weapons of mass destruction nuclear weapons are the first ones to start disarming and when those nations start disarming that i would say that the rest of the world will also have to show that it's disarming as well but while the united states is able to maintain the largest military might in the history of this world and continues to use those weapons against all of the countries. i only see it is a pure hypocrisy that the west would say that other countries can't have such things i don't want any weapons in this world but it's not right for us in the west
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and in particular particularly the united states to say that we can have all these weapons and the rest of the world will bomb you to the stone age if used even try to think to defend yourself it's beyond hypocrisy it's ridiculous the us needs to disarm problems and the world needs to insist on that now i've read in your blog that you said this world meets one thing about all others and that senate seat but doesn't set it depends on what side of the argument you're on no i think we were all saying when we were children and unfortunately what passes as education is actually indoctrination and through indoctrination we've turned into really largely a bunch of dupes who've been slaves ourselves without even knowing it but when you regain the capacity to think for yourself to actually become human it becomes very clear for instance if we look at these politicians who historically lied to us over and over and over again and we realize that the war making industries are absolutely inherently in interested in perpetuating war and if we look at the
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people in positions of power and we see how they continuously reap major bonuses with the banks they get bailouts to the tune of trillions and yet we're being told that we're not working hard enough that we are in debt all of these things combined lead us to a point where we reach that certain level of sanity and realize you know what this entire system does not represent me and in fact every person on this planet every single person this planet is fighting the same enemy and that enemy uses the financial system to enslave all of us it's not a it doesn't take a genius to figure this out in fact more and more people are figuring this out and a point of sanity brings us to a point where we realize enough this is a game that cannot be played we're risking our own collective suicide here and as a sane person i will not contribute in any way towards this never ending policy of war which is leading us to the brink of destructive of destruction and this is not a this is not about being intelligent this is about being sane first and foremost the average person can understand this very easily now. i know that you have renounced us and citizenship more than twice three times i think right so having
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the us pass for it is a dream for so many people what's so wrong with it i mean you don't have to agree with us policies but is america all that bad well when you look at citizenship you have to understand that citizenship is a contract it's a social contract between the state and the citizen under that contract you have supposedly rights and you also have obligations now i look at the obligations of being a u.s. citizen and i realize i cannot pay into a tax system which is mostly pain which basically paying off debt to the bankers but nonetheless we pay into a tax system which is used to produce military capability that is also ultimately used in other parts of the world which is ultimately killing my brothers and sisters in other parts of the world i do not agree to subscribing to our excuse me contributing to a tax system that is being used to commit mass murder against people i consider to be my brothers and sisters halfway around the world it's a violation of my ethics as a man as someone who believes and justice for everyone and wants a better world for everyone i cannot pay for the murder of my brother or sister and
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that's part of the contract of citizenship so i said which was to me a sensible thing and a moral thing to do to take my name off of that contract because i do not agree to it and ultimately i will walk away and i left a paradise life in hawaii had my own business i was making money lived on the beach did something i loved you know i loved i had a beautiful beautiful life and i walked from that because i absolutely one hundred percent disagree with the actions of my birth nation and find them so criminal that i need my name to be taken off that list i will enter into a contract again with the united states if indeed it carries itself with author and will respect the u.s. constitution of the us constitution is indeed made the supremes law of the united states that i will happily come back to my nation and adhere to the contract so why did it take so many times to renounce his citizenship to actually terminated what were the americans holding onto you for some special reason. should it be just easy to renounce going on i believe it doesn't anymore and period well it's not it's a difficult process it's costly you have to leave the country you have to swear
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under oath you have to hand over your passport you have to fill out the forms i've done all that i would argue probably the reason why they have not altered my self and my right of self-determination a human right of self-determination is because it could set a precedent which could spark an imaginative idea that people could look at around the world and say you know what i don't actually agree with this contract with my nation any longer i want to enter into a new contract this is why i refer to myself as a world citizen we're all world citizens my human family is where my allegiance goes i don't give my allegiance to one unit one group one nation one religion my whole human family is a brother and sister and ultimately i give my allegiance to them that's the contract i will honor and if any other contract inferior to that one would try to compel me to pay for the murder of my brother or sister di will not i will not partake in that contract i'm living here in the u.k. and haven't made enough money to even be taxable for the last twelve years but i might make enough money this year to actually be taxable and i'll tell you what i will not pay into the u.k. tax system and fund the murder of my brothers and sisters halfway around the world
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i simply refuse to do it and i would argue that other people should look at a contract like that and maybe if we all decide to enter into a new contract like that we can end war for good so you say your world citizen is there any place that you love more than other why are you living in the u.k. if you don't like u.k. policies i love hawaii my my my adopted homeland is hawaii and the hawaiian nation was stolen by the united states and eight hundred ninety three and yet there are my hawaiian brothers and sisters who are hawaiian nationals and who know who they are and have not forgotten who they are and take pride in who they are and if they have their way and i have my way the hawaiian nation will no longer be a military outpost but the united states launching its wars of aggression against everybody the latest book the man hawaii is the place that i long to live i plan to return there but i want the empire out of hawaii hawaii is not an extension of the us empire it is a hawaiian nation and the. people of hawaii the caccamo really deserve to have their nation back thank you so much for those wonderful interesting interview that's it for today and we'll see you in the next edition of said.
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one of the new cultural phenomena like the bank of new knowledge face just like you know. pleasure to have you with us here on our t.v. today i'm sure.
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i was thinking somehow i had to come back because mom was waiting for me. i just knew that everything would be fine for some reason they were so confident because we were going to get married officially after he came back how could he not come back the mere thought of it never crossed my mind. when the militants decided to try and break through. screaming grenade. explosion blow them all run his back toward. it was a rule and it was all over all. we know that our comrades and our commander won't leave us no matter how tough it gets we're team. there who are both getting was a senior in his military trio. he knew that if he didn't smother that grenade with
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his body more of his comrades would die he gave his own life to save his friends. they look like bounty islands where the locals can enjoy the sun and the ocean. but what was buried here years ago. means these people are suffering the consequences. how much more poison lies on the vis ground. and behind this zone there is what we call the callet bank on which there is a deposit of plutonium left by security test which caused the dispersion of radio nuclides despite previous cleaning efforts there remains a deposit of a little less than two kilos of plutonium stuck in the rock and the coral reef is
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about ten meters down you can test a never ending legacy all nazi. storming
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scare for the ukrainian opposition activists braze themselves for the widest as riot police around that count in the council but the chief of the security forces says an assault isn't possible the point of. the bahraini government steps up its legal climb down on pro-reform oxidase as the number of those arrested at just close to this race cars and mob. on david cameron takes workers to board launching an inquiry into oil plants try to talk to employees inflated a giant riot outside the home of a senior manager to protest against his shrewdness.


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